Intentional Mentoring – TEPSA News Publication

As published in the TEPSA News Publication, Vol. 79, No. 6, Nov/Dec 2022

Throughout the history of humanity, it has become apparent that humans learn better when they participate in peer-to-peer learning opportunities. Mentoring is another aspect of peer-to-peer learning that presents the mentee with the modeling of behavior that leads to successful outcomes and firsthand experiences by identifying the skills and tools exemplified in leaders. Mentoring has become a universal opportunity to build a sense of self, improve personal and/or professional development, create a supportive learning environment, open avenues for exposure to opportunities and possibilities previously unknown, and an emotional support system for both the mentor and the mentee. This is why schools, corporations, and organizations have created mentoring programs where leadership mentor’s frontline and subordinate employees and/or youth. In schools, it has become even more effective when mentees are paired with educators who share their same ethnic and cultural beliefs.

The need for mentoring programs has not diminished over time, but because of its benefits for both the mentor and mentee, it is in demand even more. Every mentoring relationship should be viewed as mutually beneficial to both the mentor and mentee as they both seek to become a better version of themselves. Their consistent and positive interactions give them the opportunity to view the world and situations through the other person’s eyes. 

Why does anyone need a mentor? Many have proclaimed it is because they need the guidance to see beyond their limitations to discover the opportunities and/or possibilities available to them that have the potential of changing their future for the better. Others have said it is because it gives mentees insight into a realm of knowledge that was unknown to them (the mentee) that they can now envision themselves doing and/or living. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone and by having a mentor the mentee is provided with the needed information to develop a roadmap to living a better life than they believed was available to them. Especially in situations where the circumstances of their birth, and/or the cultural, racial, and/or economic disparities dictate their only options in life.

Life is about living, loving, learning, laughing, leading, and living your legacy. Each mentor and mentee live a life that represents what is left behind that says I lived, learned, shared, and touched lives to help them live their best life now. All while envisioning a world that offers opportunities and possibilities. The following lessons are structured to speak into both the heart, mind, and lives of the mentor and mentee to realize their greatest potential as they envision a life founded on hope and hard work. A life that gives them the permission to take the blinders off and release the scales from their eyes, to see what’s there openly and honestly, while being vulnerable to the experience so they both walk away with a greater understanding of self and the knowledge that nothing is impossible. One that says if I can believe and conceive it (visualize it) and will do the work, it can become my reality.

For more information on Intentional Mentoring, the resources available, and supports to develop and implement a mentoring program, I’d love to support your work.  Contact information is attached.

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Intentional Mentoring – TEPSA News Publication

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