Find The Best Direction For You

Leadership, Customized Coaching, Motivational Speaking & Mentoring

We have what we need to improve our schools, let’s work together to ensure we maximize its impact.


Customized Leadership Coaching, Coaching of Instructional Best Practices, Observation & Feedback supports, as well as, data analysis are provided to develop plans of success. These needed skills are customized supports as Leadership Development occurs. Coaching supports are provided in individual or group settings. Let’s work together to continue or start your leadership journey!


Speaking to an audience of dedicated leaders and teachers to encourage them to continue the work of building a better world. So many of our dedicated professionals often need a boost of energy to keep the ‘torch’ on fire and the passion to move mountains for our students, systems, and community. The work is challenging and the connection to thinking positively and moving into action takes a guide with the wisdom and understanding that encourages and inspires others in the work. Together, we can move mountains for our kids, teachers, and leaders!


The approach to Intentional Mentoring is not just about materials and programs, but also includes guidance and organizational planning to ensure its success. Mentoring Programs, Materials, Organizational Planning, and Student Recruiting efforts are all supports that we provide for schools and districts. Everyone needs a mentor! These supports can create a ‘shared’ experience that lifts and guides others into a successful space.

Wraparound Program &

Wraparound Program structures support the development and alignment of resources for students and families with nonacademic needs. The Wraparound work builds and develops the whole child and every district and school should have this system. These support services can be aligned, strategic, and implemented with fidelity for those that need it. Together, we can build a strong and supportive Wraparound System for your campus/district.

Choose the Right Tools For Your Journey

Tools are only tools unless they are selected and used strategically.  The effectiveness of tools make our lives easier and will help to improve the work for ourselves and others.

Intentional Mentoring Series

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